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An Email from Paul
I had a couple of scares the other day, which served as a reminder that I'm in "Indian Country." We went on a mission to Camp Victory, which is near the BIAP (Baghdad International Airport). On our way back to the Palace we were staying at, the MP's stop us at the gate, and ask us if we have the latest intel. We say no, and he tells us that there was word of a possible ambush on highway 8. Highway 8 just so happens to be our way back to the barracks. So you know me, the first words out of my mouth are "oh shit." As we rolled out of the gate, our weapons were on red. Guess what happened next? MY HUMVEE STALLED! Needless to say I was pissed at whoever's vehicle I was driving, because it wasn't mine. Luckily, we were still in a "secure area" (yeah right, I don't trust it). I get the vehicle to start again, and we had to go around some security barriers. As soon as we cleared the checkpoint we hear POP, POP, POP! It was definetly gunfire, and it was close. Where was it coming from? I wasn't sticking around to find out. I don't think I've ever hit the gas that hard in my life. I was pretty much standing on the pedal. Myself and the trailing HUMVEE took off like a bat outta hell. We were weaving in and out of traffic. People don't bother to cut us off anyway. I guess soldiers with M-16's pointed out of the window is deterrent enough. It was a straight adrenaline high. Oh, and by the way, I found a decent way to shoot my rifle while driving. But I didn't need to, because we took the hell off so fast, I could have sworn the engine had a rocket up it's ass.
Later on that day, about 1900, we heard explosions, that sounded farily close to us. Big deal, we always hear explosions. Everything from mortar fire to rockets, and small arms fire off in the distance. Some of the small arms fire is from celebration. But intel reports, that they especially like to mortar us at night. Our base had been testing out a new alarm system a couple of days before, but they didn't announce it first, so nobody knew what it was. We all got ready to do something, and then they announced that it was just a test. Well, back to that night. Not long after those explosions, the alarm sounded, and it said, "Attack, Attack, Attack!" Everybody looked at each other, and dismissed it as another test. The the intercom said "This is not a test." At that point, the shit hit the fan, and I screamed SUIT UP! We all grabbed our weapons, ammo, vests, & k-pot, and moved to the attack shelter at the palace. Everyone at the palace was in the shelter. After being there for 2 hours, I fell asleep. Next time we get mortared, I need to remember to bring a pillow. :-)
SGT Dayes, Paul E. United States Army